Thursday, April 16, 2009

12. what is the difference between demon and daemon?

According to, a daemon a god and a demon is an evil spirit. In my interpretation, daemon is a guardian, much like God is considered our guardian on earth. I believe that Mary Shelley did not use the latter meaning of demon because she sympathised with the monster. I don't believe that the monster was actually evil. If given a chance and if loved, the monster would have made a great guardian. One quote from the book proves the monster to be considered a guardian rather than an evil spirit. "I trembled and my heart failed within me, when on looking up, I saw by the light of the moon, the daemon at the casement (121). This quote is important because it shows the monster in a new light even if Victor does not see it. It is when Victor is trembling that he shows up and when he does show up an image of a light occurs. when someone sees a light in times of trouble, they feel hope, yet in this situation Victor feels horror. Because Victor basically neglected his child, his daemon ultimately became a demon.

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